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Acero Schools

Academics » High School Curriculum

High School Curriculum

High School Curriculum Model

The vision of the Acero's High School program is to graduate life-long learners, discerners and doers. Students will graduate with the following characteristics:

  • A global citizen who bridges cultures by knowing how to foster and sustain healthy relationships.
  • A model for the highest standards of citizenship.
  • Self-disciplined, self-aware and self-accountable.
  • Articulate, with the capacity to communicate with all audiences and collaborate to solve real-world challenges.
  • Entrepreneurial and self-confident, able to take calculated risks, be competitive and self-motivated.
  • A life-long learner who engages in acquiring and applying knowledge.


The focus of all Acero high schools is both college and career preparation, allowing students the opportunity to explore skills and content necessary for their future endeavors.

Acero high schools offer students an engaging and innovative course of study in all content areas, addressing standards and instructional requirements as determined by the state of Illinois. Acero Schools believes that our students have boundless potential and our academic program is designed to maximize their future scholarship, professional opportunity and citizenship.